I had been wanting to write for many years, but I never found the time—or the courage—to do so.
In 2020, when Spain went into complete lockdown, I finally started. I wrote about the surreal experience of being confined in my own house during an unprecedented pandemic and how my knowledge of positive psychology was helping me deal with it. I posted my texts on social media so my friends and family in other parts of the world where the virus hadn’t yet spread could read them.
This time, the urge to write was bigger than my fear because I really wanted to help. I thought that the strategies I was using to cope might help someone else. Maybe my interpretation of the situation could provide comfort to someone out there. If one single person benefited from my texts, I’d be contributing to the world.
Since then, I have produced a few other pieces. I have written short stories in English and Spanish, popular science articles in English, and even poems in Spanish. Sometimes I win literary contests, and other times I do not. Sometimes my texts get published, and other times I self-publish them on my social media. Anne Lamott says that “the act of writing turns out to be its own reward.” I agree. Writing allows me to use my creativity, develop my intellect, share my perspective, have a good time, and hopefully have a small impact in people’s lives.
I hope you enjoy my writing and join my small community of readers by subscribing to my mailing list. This way, I can let you know directly when I write something new, instead of trusting that the algorithm of the social network where we are connected will show you the post. I assure you I will not spam you. I write only a few pieces per year, and I do not have the resources to send out fancy newsletters in between. Your support in the form of your email means a lot to me.

At Face Value
(Article, September 2021 - IE Insights)

Get Creative with Your Use of Breakout Rooms
(Article, March 2021- Harvard Business Publishing)

My friend Maria
(Short story, May 2020 - IE Humanities Prize 2020)
Blog Articles
Blog Articles
What Happened When I Quit Social Media for 10 Days
(Article, October 2020 - Medium)
Quite frankly, because I had to try it before I recommend it. I am a positive psychology (the science of happiness) lecturer and I am due to give a talk about social media and wellbeing…
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I post articles, advice, and reflections from the field of positive psychology.